
[email protected]

+44 7821 347 963

Sara directs business development for the Research Base, manages projects and provides expertise on CSR and environmental research. She is an environment and CSR specialist, and has worked for public and private sector clients across Europe.

In the UK, she has also worked extensively with Central Government and associated policy organisations, establishing the Westminster Sustainable Business Forum (WSBF) and handling the mainstream running of Policy Connect.

Sara has delivered independent consultancy in environmental sustainability and CSR for high profile initiatives such as cuttingthecarbon and organisations like Policy Connect. She has also worked for international headhunting firm Odgers Berndtson, in their UK Central Government Practice, to recruit for social and environmental responsibility.

Most recently Sara has been researching issues relating to alternative measures of progress, such as wellbeing and happiness. Her expertise includes international market analysis, covering policy, legislation and funding research across a range of sectors.