
Project News

  1. We have recently launched our report on alternative education provision in London. This report investigates current provision, identifies gaps and makes recommendations for new pupil referral units in the capital.

  2. The Research Base is working on a new and important multi-country study for Save the Children Norway on equity in education financing. This project will look at the extent to which countries are targeting the poorest and most vulnerable groups through their education spending; and what works in terms of the way that finances are distributed.

Client Survey 2013

We recently surveyed all current and previous clients (anonymously, to ensure that we received feedback that was as honest as possible). Headline findings were:

  1. 100% of projects were delivered on time, to budget and to specification.

  2. 100% of clients believe our research was of high quality.

  3. 100% of clients would use us again and would recommend us to others.
